What is a ‘signature style’ and do you have one?
A signature style is when you choose to adopt a ‘look’ or create a kind of ‘uniform’ that is similar, or even the same, almost all the time. It could be a colour palette, a particular item or a combination of items you always wear, and can even become known for wearing. It is a great way to establish a visual aspect of your personal brand.
One of the easiest ways to spot a signature style is simply to look at people you know—family, friends, colleagues and even celebrities.
For example, you might find a family member who is a jeans-person; they like to wear jeans to every occasion, but they probably have a wardrobe of jeans—black, blue, skinny, or wide-leg.
You could also have a friend or a colleague who always wears a dress to work. It could vary in colours and styles, but essentially, it's the same thing.
At the very end of the scale is someone who wears exactly the same thing every single day, as Steve Jobs did.
So what's so good about having a personal signature style? If you're interested, keep on watching.